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Common Reasons Why IVF Failure Occurs

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a reproductive technique that helps people with infertility issues become pregnant. While the technology is highly successful, IVF failure may occur.

Understanding the reasons behind potential IVF failures can help people make informed decisions and improve their chances of future success. Here are six common reasons that lead to the occurrence of IVF failure:

Embryo Quality

The IVF procedure involves combining a woman’s eggs and a man’s sperm in an artificial space to generate an embryo. If the quality of the generated embryo is low, the chances of a successful IVF process will also be minimal.

Embryos with chromosomal abnormalities or poor development lead to implantation failures or early pregnancy loss. To increase the chances of IVF success, the fertility specialist should check the embryos for potential flaws and select the healthiest embryo for uterine transplantation.

Age-related Factors

The quality and quantity of a woman’s eggs depend on her age. Women experience reduced egg quality and quantity due to a low ovarian reserve as they age. A diminished ovarian reserve can also be caused by genetics or medical treatments.

Autoimmune conditions and surgery on the ovary might also lead to a low ovarian reserve. A woman’s low ovarian reserve can be overcome by ovarian stimulation, which uses gonadotropins to increase egg production. If the body responds positively to ovarian stimulation, egg growth increases, which enhances the chances of a successful IVF.

Sperm Quality

Low sperm quality in the form of low sperm count or poor sperm motility contributes to IVF failure. Abnormal traits such as curvature and a double tail make a sperm irregular. An irregular sperm might be unable to break the outer membrane of an egg to fertilize it into an embryo.

Even if the sperm breaks through the egg membrane, it may not release all the required genetic material. This leads to the generation of a chromosomally abnormal embryo that is not viable for implantation.

Ovarian Response

During the IVF procedure, daily injections of follicle-stimulating hormone can be administered to the female to increase the production of eggs. If the ovaries respond correctly to the hormone,  more eggs are produced for collection.

A poor ovarian response leads to the production of eggs of low quality, which undermines the success of IVF. The ovarian response may be improved by altering the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone injection.

Genetic Factors

Genetic abnormalities that affect the X chromosome may lower embryo quality and the chance of successful implantation. The uterus may reject embryos with extra, missing, or irregular parts of chromosomal DNA because they cannot develop properly.

The body’s natural quality control processes during early embryonic development may also lead to rejecting abnormal embryos. Conducting preimplantation genetic screening to detect chromosomal defects before implanting the embryo may improve the chances of IVF success.

Implantation Issues

Even if the embryo is healthy, improper embryo transfer and immune system response may prevent successful implantation. Uterine infection, polyps, extra-thin endometrial lining, and premature increase in progesterone may also prevent successful implementation.

A trained fertility specialist conducts hormone tests or a hysteroscopy to determine the specific cause of implantation failure.

Understand the Reasons Behind IVF Failure

Understanding the reasons behind possible IVF failure can help individuals manage expectations for future treatment cycles. It can also facilitate more effective emotional support and counseling. It also helps individuals and couples explore alternative paths for parenthood, such as adoption.

Following medication guidelines, seeking emotional support, and working closely with a trusted fertility expert may lead to a successful IVF procedure. Contact a reputable fertility specialist today and get guidance on the IVF process.

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